Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hilton Concept


Synopsis: Clients of the hotel are taken care of by the animate objects of the common area, allowing them to be as comfortable as possible.

Details: This piece will function using a stop motion technique, animating the objects so that they appear to have a mind of their own. In terms of movement, I want the foot stool to shift back and forth with movement, the pillows to have crab-like movement (side to side), and the cord to be a bit snake like. All shots will be filmed on location in the set up common area and will require around 4 actors total (2 male, 2 female). 

My overall concept is that the hotel is already accommodating in terms of comfort, and you do not have to make it comfortable yourself. Additionally I was thinking about Disney's anthropomorphic objects, like stools and brooms in the Sword and the Stone, that do the work for you so that you don't have to. I was also just inspired by the furniture of the common area itself and how each piece was unique to suit people's unique needs/likes.

Hilton Video (Revised)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hilton Video

Word: Comfort

Concept: I was thinking a lot about the different chairs in the common area and how they are more like chairs found in peoples' homes in terms of style and comfort. What if these chairs also offered sort of a service to make you more comfortable? In this idea, the chairs pull up the stool for you and fluff its own pillows, all using a stop motion/pixelation technique to achieve this.