Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hilton Concept


Synopsis: Clients of the hotel are taken care of by the animate objects of the common area, allowing them to be as comfortable as possible.

Details: This piece will function using a stop motion technique, animating the objects so that they appear to have a mind of their own. In terms of movement, I want the foot stool to shift back and forth with movement, the pillows to have crab-like movement (side to side), and the cord to be a bit snake like. All shots will be filmed on location in the set up common area and will require around 4 actors total (2 male, 2 female). 

My overall concept is that the hotel is already accommodating in terms of comfort, and you do not have to make it comfortable yourself. Additionally I was thinking about Disney's anthropomorphic objects, like stools and brooms in the Sword and the Stone, that do the work for you so that you don't have to. I was also just inspired by the furniture of the common area itself and how each piece was unique to suit people's unique needs/likes.

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