Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Title: Elysium

Main Idea: In our first meeting, we pulled from an idea that Joe had--the portrait of a terminally ill girl on the day of her death. From there we added another character to the equation, her departed lover, and worked more with their relationship.

Source Idea: Even though it was Joe's vision originally, we all worked on the story and added much to his idea, making it a truly collaborated piece. I feel that I had stakes in the story just like my other team members, and it needed to be made.

Key Emotion: The primarily emotion was sadness or despair--this girl is tired, she's dying. It should be hard to watch someone struggle like that. But, there is a change in emotion when she sees her lover again: happiness and finally being at peace. I wanted the audience to feel this change in emotion as well.

Synopsis: A terminally ill girl longs for her healthy former life. On the night of her death, she slips into a dream and sees her departed lover once more, bringing her to peace as she passes on.

Theme: There is a certain "parallel world" that we unintentionally made in this film (dream world vs. reality), but I think the effect is desired and strengthened previous ideas of change in emotion and atmosphere.

Strengths: I think the casting is what really saved this movie. Less competent actors would have made the emotions seem more false and take the illusion away from the audience. I also think the lighting ended up pretty badass in some parts, but not without a lot of hard work and trying many different lighting angles and positions.

Problems: Besides the audio issue that we came in with, no real technical problems. We did have some problems communicating towards the very end of shooting, but I think that we were able to work it out and produced something that I personally am proud of.

Notes: I discovered about myself that while I feel natural at directing, I am not the best camerawoman. I don't feel I was particularly bad at it, but I definitely enjoyed the set dressing, costuming, make-uping, and lighting more than camera; in other words, I really enjoy the setup and think that is what I excel at.

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